Quarantine Heart Check – Life Full and Frugal
The sisters of Life Full and Frugal would like to acknowledge that the last couple of months have been hard on our hearts, and for most of us, a bit fearful. We thought it might be helpful to pause for a quarantine heart check.
Acknowledging This Difficult Time
Our nation has experienced loss on many levels. It has been challenging to everyone all over the world. Here in the US, if you were able to keep your job, you were probably fearful of losing it. Many who have remained in lock down, may be wondering if their job will still be available when the dust settles. I think everyone was a bit fearful for their health, and the health of their families as well. Each one of us sisters has experienced fear, confusion, and certainly, a loss of peace.
How We are Choosing to Cope
In acknowledging all of the above, we also just want to share some of the ways we have coped with this very strange time. Each of us has learned to lean into the fellowship of the Trinity in ways we have not ever done before. We have found our voice in the pages of the Psalms. The Psalms have become our language for prayer. We have grown in our prayer lives, realizing that the battle for our health and our peace is the Lord’s. We have learned some of the names of God, and how powerful those names are, and how those names describe the goodness of God.
Perspective and Gratitude
All three of us have come to realize the joy of living in the country in ways we took for granted all these years. The trees, grass, flowers and wildlife around us are proving to be a source of healing, and a great reflection of God’s beautiful design. We have also come to a greater understanding of the value of the land as our source of provision, for food. Shanna got chickens and planted a potted garden. Sierra and I have worked in our raised beds and filled our greenhouse full of plants for our garden. We have gotten out canning books, and contemplated the idea of livestock. We have treasured our eggs from our chickens and ducks. There is renewed sensibility that food is a gift, a wonderful treasure, a source of true wealth.
A Renewed Local Mission
During this time, we have thought more about our lives and the impact we have on people around us. We have been inspired to be more intentional about cultivating kindness, generosity, and relationships with family, friends, and the people who have supported our blog. Overall, we have really become intentional about thinking with the mindset of a local economy. What does that look like in our area? How can we implement more local purchases? How can we invest in our community?
Cultivating and Caring for our Hearts
We have become more intentional in the cultivation of our hearts. There is a shifting of how we look at this slower pace in life as more of a time to get more healing, fall more in love with Jesus, learn about God’s word, and drink it in. We have learned to be better informed about our freedoms and leaders and what it means to be vigilant as citizens. Mercifully, we have been able to stop and take in every aspect of Spring, choosing to take long walks through the woods, when household chores beckoned us. We have realized that Creation does not stop producing life and beauty just because man is fearful of the unknown. Creation groans under the generosity of her maker.
Daring to Dream Bigger and Love Deeper
We have made plans to learn new skills, and have made plans for more outdoor living. Each of us has dared to dream about the future, both individually, and as a blog. We are looking forward to summer and all the beauty, life, and fruit it will bare. Audaciously, we are even looking forward to Christmas. There is so much promise ahead. We encourage you to lean into Jesus. Grow in him, and grow in your love for life, your love for your family, husband, children, animals, home, community, and creation. God bless you all on your journey!
Here is one last thought on how to take care of your heart. During this time of quarantine, I have been so utterly blessed by a show on YouTube call The Chateau Diaries. It brings beauty, laughter, creativity and so much inspiration. It has filled my heart with hope and the realization that most people just want to invest in good and beautiful things and to share them with others. Check it out, you will be blessed!
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