A Grace-Filled Path to Self Improvement
144 mins read

A Grace-Filled Path to Self Improvement

All things in balance. When I say that learning to celebrate is important, what I do NOT mean is eating 3 pieces of cake. When I say that finding fun ways to exercise helps you get active, I do NOT mean working out 2 or 3 hours a day. If you struggle with overeating, maybe learn to skip treats all together for a short season. If you have to sleep 3 hours the afternoon after a hard workout, you may need to reevaluate the amount of activity your body can handle right now. Do not be slave to food or to harsh regimens. Find your balance on your self improvement journey. Try setting attainable goals that you can realistically work towards.

Disclaimer: We are not physicians. We are simply women who are trying to take responsibility for our health by using common sense and research. We encourage you to do the same on your self improvement journey. Please check for any contraindications by using a reliable source. If you have serious health concerns please seek the guidance of a qualified physician.

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Source link Keeping your adrenals healthy will prevent your cortisol levels from rising. Bone broth, gelatin, vitamin C, raw apple cider vinegar, and lacto-fermented foods all help keep your adrenals healthy. Avoiding stress and getting plenty of rest also promote adrenal health. For more on adrenal health and building your immune system, click here.

All things in balance. When I say that learning to celebrate is important, what I do NOT mean is eating 3 pieces of cake. When I say that finding fun ways to exercise helps you get active, I do NOT mean working out 2 or 3 hours a day. If you struggle with overeating, maybe learn to skip treats all together for a short season. If you have to sleep 3 hours the afternoon after a hard workout, you may need to reevaluate the amount of activity your body can handle right now. Do not be slave to food or to harsh regimens. Find your balance on your self improvement journey. Try setting attainable goals that you can realistically work towards.

Disclaimer: We are not physicians. We are simply women who are trying to take responsibility for our health by using common sense and research. We encourage you to do the same on your self improvement journey. Please check for any contraindications by using a reliable source. If you have serious health concerns please seek the guidance of a qualified physician.

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Source link I don’t believe the importance of rest can be overstated. Dr Eric Berg talks specifically about the body’s need for rest and that much of your body’s fat burning actually happens during sleep. Physical rest is extremely important, but so is mental and emotional rest. Stress on the heart and mind can literally make your body produce high levels of cortisol, which prevents weight loss. In fact, it does the opposite- it makes your body hold onto weight. Toxic relationships that bring you down emotionally? A workload at your job that is exhausting and preventing you from spending time with your loved ones? Running the roads to take your kids to a million places each week? These things are causing your body to go into fight or flight and build your cortisol levels. Take some time to evaluate where you can start having boundaries and start saying no.

Keeping your adrenals healthy will prevent your cortisol levels from rising. Bone broth, gelatin, vitamin C, raw apple cider vinegar, and lacto-fermented foods all help keep your adrenals healthy. Avoiding stress and getting plenty of rest also promote adrenal health. For more on adrenal health and building your immune system, click here.

All things in balance. When I say that learning to celebrate is important, what I do NOT mean is eating 3 pieces of cake. When I say that finding fun ways to exercise helps you get active, I do NOT mean working out 2 or 3 hours a day. If you struggle with overeating, maybe learn to skip treats all together for a short season. If you have to sleep 3 hours the afternoon after a hard workout, you may need to reevaluate the amount of activity your body can handle right now. Do not be slave to food or to harsh regimens. Find your balance on your self improvement journey. Try setting attainable goals that you can realistically work towards.

Disclaimer: We are not physicians. We are simply women who are trying to take responsibility for our health by using common sense and research. We encourage you to do the same on your self improvement journey. Please check for any contraindications by using a reliable source. If you have serious health concerns please seek the guidance of a qualified physician.

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Source link I find that if I’m having fun or experiencing beauty, I look forward to working out! So have a good time and enjoy your body! It is a gift.

Healthy Habits

I don’t believe the importance of rest can be overstated. Dr Eric Berg talks specifically about the body’s need for rest and that much of your body’s fat burning actually happens during sleep. Physical rest is extremely important, but so is mental and emotional rest. Stress on the heart and mind can literally make your body produce high levels of cortisol, which prevents weight loss. In fact, it does the opposite- it makes your body hold onto weight. Toxic relationships that bring you down emotionally? A workload at your job that is exhausting and preventing you from spending time with your loved ones? Running the roads to take your kids to a million places each week? These things are causing your body to go into fight or flight and build your cortisol levels. Take some time to evaluate where you can start having boundaries and start saying no.

Keeping your adrenals healthy will prevent your cortisol levels from rising. Bone broth, gelatin, vitamin C, raw apple cider vinegar, and lacto-fermented foods all help keep your adrenals healthy. Avoiding stress and getting plenty of rest also promote adrenal health. For more on adrenal health and building your immune system, click here.

All things in balance. When I say that learning to celebrate is important, what I do NOT mean is eating 3 pieces of cake. When I say that finding fun ways to exercise helps you get active, I do NOT mean working out 2 or 3 hours a day. If you struggle with overeating, maybe learn to skip treats all together for a short season. If you have to sleep 3 hours the afternoon after a hard workout, you may need to reevaluate the amount of activity your body can handle right now. Do not be slave to food or to harsh regimens. Find your balance on your self improvement journey. Try setting attainable goals that you can realistically work towards.

Disclaimer: We are not physicians. We are simply women who are trying to take responsibility for our health by using common sense and research. We encourage you to do the same on your self improvement journey. Please check for any contraindications by using a reliable source. If you have serious health concerns please seek the guidance of a qualified physician.

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